Saturday, 6 August 2016

Civil War and More!

Hello everybody,
Today has been very emotional for me. We went to the Civil War Museum and the Freedom Museum.
As you all know I love history. The wonderful richness of it here is overwhelming. The Civil War Museum was very amazing especially the artifacts that they had there. They had coins, cannon balls, playing cards, and guns. Some of the guns were literally twice the size of me, they also weighed 30-40 pounds!
The Freedom Museum was very emotional. They had modern day slavery which was very touching. They had things like gold mining, rock pounding, and fishing. They also had sex trafficking stuff and girls that are forced to marry by the time they are 15. In another exhibit they had the down south issues with slavery. They had a room that would have been the size of a slaves house, or should I call it a house. It was the size of my closet.
Some of the things, I felt like crying with.
On a brighter note, we went down to Cincinnati and walked their park by the river-front. They have swings, an exercise park, and a piano that you walk on and it plays on wind chimes. That was really neat!
Oh yeah! Another thing we did is go to the Cincinnati Bengals family day free practice. No this wasn't planned. This is the only time that the Bengals practice for the public. It was pretty neat. My dad tried to explain it to me but I didn't really get it. I loved the whole experience though!! We do have some photos. 
Lots of love,
The Bengals!

More Bengals!

The logo that is on the field!

A balcony from the Freedom Museum and the view of Cincinnati.

At the Freedom Museum with my sister.

A soldier and my family. The soldier was reenacting a Confederate Soldier at the Civil War Museum.

A view of Cincinnati.

The stands of the Bengals. Me and my dad are walking up.

At the Freedom Museum.

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