Monday, 8 August 2016

Screaming Raptor- 2016-08-08

Hello everyone,
I know you all are wondering what in the world Screaming Raptor is, well your about to find out.
Today we went to the Creation Museum. It was really interesting! They touch the 7 C's in the bible.
- Creation
- Corruption
- Catastrophe*
- Confusion
- Christ
- Cross
- Consummation
*where we are in the museum!
So as you can see we are not quite halfway. But that would probably be because my mom and I went on a 2 hour zip-line tour called the Screaming Raptor. It was really fun, I got a lot of sun though and my ears are a bit sun burnt. We had 5 different lines, each about 1-2 minutes long. We would go down one by one the guide first and another guide last. There where 2 ways to land.
  1. On another platform. The guide would grab you and yank you till your feet could touch. 
  2. Start running in midair and then land on the mulch running so that you land running and don't fall. 
My favorite was one.
Once I almost made it but I was a little to light to so I had to pull myself up. That was a little bit scary!!
I will publish more photos of me on the zip-lines tomorrow as it is already after 9:30 and we have a busy day tomorrow.
Pictures of church yesterday-
The auditorium

Fun instructions.

During worship.

Parking assistance, wearing funny hat.

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